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A little late, but I wanted to make a quick little piece inspired by the eclipse I was lucky enough to see last week!

This is my first time seeing totality during an eclipse, and man it was breathtaking. I have honestly never seen anything that's left me without words like that... I am going to take all the opportunities I can to see it again.

As for the render, this time I experimented with some plugins for the fog and the tree, they were pretty neat, and both gave great results! It's not an overly complicated render, but I am happy with the vibe it's creating.

The Forging

Finally got some time to come back to #blender and finish this project! It's been a rough few months, so it was cathartic to be able to relax for another session and get back into making things!

Based on a scene from my DND campaign.

The Knight In Greenpath

Isometric Hollow Knight render of The Knight in Greenpath.

I've got to work on my textures, but I was mainly focused on trying to make decent looking models this time around. I'm particularly happy with the lamp and The Knight :)

The Divine Move

3D Render of the famous Go game 4 between Lee Sedol and AlphaGo.

Little Quokka Chillin

First time I've ever animated grease pencil frames, so I started small with the tail, lol. Made in blender using greasepencil

Grave Site

Grave Site made in Blender using greasepencil . This is my first 2D/3D piece, I'm happy with how it turned out!

Vending Machine

First time using grease pencil, first 3d art piece after about a year of not practicing.

Used this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzTN2yTgTj0